An Ode to the Eternal Shorts of Summer

Every summer has its own story. Chart the course of your eternal summer in our fun, bright, embroidered Cisco Shorts for men! Check our collection out: Mens Embroidered Shorts


Here at Castaway we believe that salt water cures all; and that the search for the eternal summer is never hopeless.

We fully support the strong willed who live by the “shorts until the snow falls” mentality. Tans fade, but a pair of shorts with fish or partying parrots will keep you in a summer state of mind all year long! If you are wearing shorts to class, or to run errands on the weekends in November, we salute you!

Our classic stand-by embroideries are the American Flag, Martini, Beer Mugs, Lobsters, and Crabs. Favorite newcomers include the Flying Pig, Pot Leaf, Peace Bus, Shark, and Tee Time. We are always brainstorming new, fun embroidery ideas, and pull from our experiences outside the office.

Trips to Nantucket, Cape Cod, Newport (or whatever beach you call home), inspire our love for summer; and new embroideries! Stay tuned for the next batch of Shorts to make you summer feel eternal!

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